Friday, February 27, 2009

Vintage, Antique - Old Is Today's Gold

With the change in weather from winter's cold, brutal wind and driving snow, Spring ushers in that longing to go treasure hunting at tag and rummage sales. Churches, towns, and civic groups also feel this tug to begin tossing out winter and bringing in "new." Today, however, "new" does not have to be literally just off the manufacturer's assembly line. New to the savvy home-maker of today means vintage, antique, and gracefully charming items that "breathe" that feeling of "home" and "gracious living."
Something as simple as throw-away windows from Victorian era homes are a "find" that you should grab and run with. They are versatile and can be a part of any room in your home. As the weather brings back sun, and balmy breezes, antique water cans, porch swings, and even garden gates will put your homefront in your neighborhood's Home and Garden Special Places. Even terra cotta flower pots in varying sizes are used not only on porches and "Florida Rooms" but in the kitchen, bathroom and in your craft/sewing room.
If you are fortunate to find leaded glass windows then you have a myriad of possibilities to highlight and delight family and friends. These unique windows are a virtual rainbow in their own right, but added to your home decor they can take the place of painted pictures. Adding a bit of extra charm is if you showcase them with additional "vintage" items such as antique quilt blocks, or even old-fashioned handkerchiefs or table doilies. Check on the web for laundering instructions for delicate needlework or ask a dry cleaning establishment what they would recommend in case you have a "yellowing" of the fabric or any stains on the needlework.
Once you begin the challenge of bringing the "old" into your home, you will begin to realize just how "right" it seems to have these "vintage" items displayed and treasured by today's generations. So when the weather begs you to go outside, check out those flea markets or even architectural "scrap" stores that have the most fascinating door knobs, cabinet hardware, and yes, most assuredly windows and their frames. Consider this a fun way to bring true charm and captivating decorating accents into your home, no matter the style. You won't be disappointed and just think of how proud you will feel when everyone notices and thinks you are truly a decorating genius.
Something to think about
©February, 2009

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