Friday, February 27, 2009

Springtime Hints and Household Helps

Spring Cleaning is a ritual that most families fear but it always seems to get done. Well, maybe not in Spring but by Labor Day at least.
Here are a few tips that just might help your quest for that squeaky clean house so that you can enjoy the Summer time weather at the beach right along with the rest of the family. These were learned "in the trenches" and worked so they are "tried and true".
Most households keep the cabinet under the sink for cleaning supplies, unless you have little children. Then keeping this cabinet locked is a must, but with older children or no children - glue some wooden clothespins onto the inner door. These can hold sponges, rubber gloves, and window cloths. They don't get moldy because they are not bunched on the bottom floor of the cabinet, and they stay just as fresh as you need them. Talking about soap, most people get dirty digging, clipping, and working outdoors. It you use a soap on a rope technique (it doesn't have to be expensive soap, just use any hand strong soap and attach to a nylon rope), you can make sure that everyone washes their hands right there by your outside faucet. Kids love it because it is washing in a whole different realm and dads love it because their hands are clean before picking up little ones or leaving smudge marks on back doors or screen doors.
Attach a Key Board (home made or bought at a craft store to the "inside" cabinet door right by the door. This keeps the keys out of sight, they are organized, and they are not just thrown on the counter never to be seen when you need them. Most key boards are thin enough not to interfere with shelving inside the cabinet, or you can simply attach it where you have a wider space between shelves.
Mops, brooms, and dustpans are the mainstay of spring cleaning. Little ones can feel like they help, and a bit older chidren can use "children" size cleaning gear much easier than the adult size. In your broom closet or wherever you store cleaning musts, attach a bar about the height of your child on the inside of the door, then attach hooks for a child-size mop, broom, and dustpan or any other "cleaning" wonder that your child might enjoy. They even have little-size vacuums, and for the outside, this works well for shovels, pails, and rakes.
Remember enjoying blowing bubbles when you were small? That iridescent liquid produced those billowing bubbles that kept your attention until they disappeared into another world. If you have very small children, let them join in the fun with the older ones, with your supervision of course. Use a paper clip and form it into a bubble maker just like the regular slze ones that come with the bottles. Pour a bit of bubble liquid into the cap of the bottle and help your little one enjoy petite size bubbles that may soar just as high as the bigger versions of his/her brothers/sisters. It is fun and it is a chance for quality time with your children. Also, bubbles work best on a day after it just rained. It seems the humidity and moistures helps create bigger and better bubbles. Next time you are in a dollar store, buy a spare fly swatter with the hundred little holes. Give this to your older child and let them enjoy a cloud burst of hundreds of bubbles. Pour the liquid into a baking pan and let them place the swatter into the liquid. Different and a real "attention" keeper.
When it comes to craft time, your child finds waiting for the old-standby white craft glue to slowly come to the tip. If you use a plastic two liter bottle and cut it off about 3 inches from the top, you can fit the plastic glue bottle into the top of the cut off bottle and the glue will always be "ready." No more waiting and it doesn't tip over while the "crafting" is taking place.
Hope a few of these tips give you ideas for enjoying more time when you clean, and more fun time with your children.
Something to think about
©Arleen M. Kaptur February, 2009

Vintage, Antique - Old Is Today's Gold

With the change in weather from winter's cold, brutal wind and driving snow, Spring ushers in that longing to go treasure hunting at tag and rummage sales. Churches, towns, and civic groups also feel this tug to begin tossing out winter and bringing in "new." Today, however, "new" does not have to be literally just off the manufacturer's assembly line. New to the savvy home-maker of today means vintage, antique, and gracefully charming items that "breathe" that feeling of "home" and "gracious living."
Something as simple as throw-away windows from Victorian era homes are a "find" that you should grab and run with. They are versatile and can be a part of any room in your home. As the weather brings back sun, and balmy breezes, antique water cans, porch swings, and even garden gates will put your homefront in your neighborhood's Home and Garden Special Places. Even terra cotta flower pots in varying sizes are used not only on porches and "Florida Rooms" but in the kitchen, bathroom and in your craft/sewing room.
If you are fortunate to find leaded glass windows then you have a myriad of possibilities to highlight and delight family and friends. These unique windows are a virtual rainbow in their own right, but added to your home decor they can take the place of painted pictures. Adding a bit of extra charm is if you showcase them with additional "vintage" items such as antique quilt blocks, or even old-fashioned handkerchiefs or table doilies. Check on the web for laundering instructions for delicate needlework or ask a dry cleaning establishment what they would recommend in case you have a "yellowing" of the fabric or any stains on the needlework.
Once you begin the challenge of bringing the "old" into your home, you will begin to realize just how "right" it seems to have these "vintage" items displayed and treasured by today's generations. So when the weather begs you to go outside, check out those flea markets or even architectural "scrap" stores that have the most fascinating door knobs, cabinet hardware, and yes, most assuredly windows and their frames. Consider this a fun way to bring true charm and captivating decorating accents into your home, no matter the style. You won't be disappointed and just think of how proud you will feel when everyone notices and thinks you are truly a decorating genius.
Something to think about
©February, 2009

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Night Gallery of Corporate America and the Banking Industry

The news just keeps getting "stranger" with each day that passes. Citizens are urged to "make sacrifices" and tighten their belts, and government officials promise that saving the economy will take the work of everyone. It seems that banks and Wall Street feel that they are not part of "everyone."
When a bank such as Northern Trust, or Wells Fargo accepts tax-payer bailout funds, then they have joined the ranks of "everyone." Outrageous expenses on parties, lavish foods, highest priced hotel accomodations, and entertaining that ordinary people just can't afford seems to scream out "We don't care what you do without, because we don't have to do without anything." Northern Trust stated that they did not ask for the bailout funds. I cannot imagine an armored truck pulling up to Northern Trust's door, bandishing weapons and demanding that the safe be opened so that they could pour the billions of dollars into the coffers. It is more of a stretch of the imagination than Night Gallery. If it was a hostage situation where bank CEO's were held against their will and the money stuffed into their pockets by government agents, then I could understand their dilemna. This did not nor has it ever happened. Their open hands took the money and decided that now it was "party time."
If the Obama administration could do one thing while in office, it should be to make it plain, simple, and mandatory that banking and Wall Street "higher ups" do not make fools out of the American taxpayers, and that they share in the misery that they have created. There is a lot of finger pointing, but one thing is for sure. It did not happen overnight, it did not happen since January 20, 2009 when President Obama took office, and it did not happen because of the expertise of these highly educated and valued employees. It happened because of greed, stupidity and down right blatant "me and not you" attitudes. If you did not want the money Northern Trust, then return it, and ask your guests to pay the tab, and not the American people. You could have made corporate contacts at a much less lavish scandal then the one you flaunted in the face of the nation. So if the American people point their fingers, it should be at corporate America and the banking industry. There has never been in the history of America such a significant gap between those who have and those who have not, and especially in those who take and those who have to give. Taxpayers do not have a choice, they have to pay their taxes or face the penalties. Corporate and Banking CEO's do have a choice, as does the automobile industry. If GM buckled down, used common sense and tried to appease its customers instead of its investors, I can assure you that the economy would not be the straits it is now in and it would not be costing in the trillions. It should be the American people who celebrate when greedy corporations, whether Northern Trust, Bank of America, Citi-groups, or Chrysler face the taskmaster and pay up, shut up, or give up their opulent lifestyles. After all, it seems that with the lack of business sense displayed so far, there is a lack of education and quality among the CEO's of this nation. It is time to start cleaning house and dispose of the "malfunctioning", broken, and inadequate leadership in the business world. If they were in the private sector, they would be the first to be let go for inefficiency, non-productivity, and corporate theft. They stole the peace of mind, and the lifestyle of the everyday tax paying man, and woman and should be dealth with swiftly and forcefully. An uncontrolled child is disciplined and an uncontrolled adult is just not acceptable.
Something to think about
©Arleen M. Kaptur February, 2009

Easter Brunch-Celebration That Is "Egg cellent"

Easter is the welcome banner of Spring. Whether you decide to have a delightful breakfast served after church services or a formal sit-down dinner with your best silverware, china, and linens, there is another option to consider. Brunch showcases an informality of morning taste treats with the sumptious offerings of dinner. On such a special occasion such as Easter, foods are presented in silver casserole trays and the table is sparkling with daffodils and tulips, as well as baskets overflowing with creative colored eggs and bunny cookies.
As you go through your recipe files, look for some do ahead dishes that will allow you more variety at a slower pace on Easter Day. Serving a variety of hot and cold foods is sure to please the food choices of everyone who shares your Easter Brunch.
Condiments such as butter, jams and cream cheese should be chilled in their serving dishes so that the frosty goodness melts on toast, muffins and Easter breads. Peach muffins topped with brown sugar and pecans tantalize your guests from baskets set around such entrees as scrambled eggs or ham and swiss strudel. Succulent roast beef carved into thin slices will literally melt in sheer goodness or let your guests taste the traditional leg of lamb seasoned to perfection with just a hint of garlic and lemon.
Asparagus, while simple to prepare, makes brunch a true Springtime event. Glazed bacon strips are a reminder of childhood "candy" treats and tart shells brimming with the first strawberries of the season fan across a cool, creamy custard filling. Add a mint leave and you have eye appeal and taste satisfaction.
The aroma of baked ham slightly sweet with warm juices running down each slice stands next to a colorful bowl of buttered carrots with a green accent of chives, highlighting all the pastels that Easter represents. French toast sticks bring the young and young at heart together and chocolate chip coffee cake just begs for a smooth, hot and delicious cup of coffee.
Serving breakfast fare and dinner specials allows everyone to pick and choose, find new favorites and renew past memories of fantastic food, great companion-ship, and the wondrous opulent colors of Easter. Don't forget the camera for those scrapbook additions of family and celebration photos.
Enjoy Easter in all its delights with family and friends and know that all your ventures into culinary land will finish up "eggs cellent".
Something to think about
©Arleen M. Kaptur February, 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Easter Eggs and Mother Earth

When Easter time comes rolling around, everyone enjoys the tradition of coloring eggs. Hard boiling eggs and then using your artistic touch is not only fun but can be a true learning experience for younger members of your family and their friends.
Waste not - want not is true even when coloring eggs for the Easter Basket. Scraps of food that you would otherwise just toss can and do produce some of the brilliant hues that make you "Ah" when placed in a basket for a centerpiece on the tableor as part of your mealtime plans.
The deepness of the colors depend on your preferences and if you enjoy mixing and matching, then using rubber bands around the eggs, or wax will allow for that decorative touch that we all have hidden in our "creativity" file right there next to "holidays are special". These files while hidden deep in our minds do come out once in a while and when they do, beauty and elegance as well as remarkable can be used to describe our efforts.
In the "purple" family - ordinary bottled grape juice is a "natural". For lavender, a shorter soaking period will produce this "spring" color, while a deeper shade comes with prolonged "soaking." While red onions have red skins, they do produce the color red, but also shades of violet and deep blues. Using pomegranate juiceis an interesting and tasty way to get shades of ruby. Remember to boil any "natural" coloring in water and allow it to cool. This brings out the "artistic" qualities of the natural products.
For brown or tan, try using dill seeds and if you like brown with a touch of orange then chili powder will give you that effect. Yellow which is a very popular color for Spring can be obtained with orange and lemon peels and you also get the aroma of these two citrus fruits which makes your whole kitchen smell like a breath of fresh air.
Deep brown or true chocolate brown - strong coffee and if you use instant coffee then vary the amount to reach the intensity you like. Orange comes with yellow onion skins and pink shines through with beet juice (and you have a vegetable for dinner) or use cranberry juice. In any of these products use only the "juice" and remove any solids from your bowl before placing the eggs in them.
Green is bright and can be obtained by using spinach leaves and a lighter lime green or yellow/green comes with apple peels, especially the Delicious variety.
Coloring eggs is not hard - it is well worth the extra effort and you can experiment on your own. While cooking vegetables or using a spice that your family enjoys, note the colors that it produces and try them with your egg coloring venture. It is all natural, with no chemicals or preservatives and it is time well spent. Imagine the truly stunning baskets you can create as well as watch the smiles if you use eggs as place setting "extras."
However you use Easter eggs, enjoy the moment, and enjoy the experience. Your creativity will bloom just like the lilies and tulips that are part and parcel of this Holiday.
Something to think about
©Arleen M. Kaptur February 25, 2009

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Gardening - A History of Love and Life

When warm breezes blow and the sun shines on more days than not, it is time to begin the task of preparing and getting a garden together. It might just be a small plot, a container garden on a patio or porch, or several acres if you are so blessed. Whatever the space available, it is one of the most enjoyable, and healthiest pasttimes around. There is actually something "spiritual" about a handful of soil and a seed - each attending to a task of producting fantastic blooms of color and aroma, crisp and tasty vegetables and fruits, and herbs to tantalize and set any dish to higher standards.
Many who garden also enjoy scrapbooking or crafting. These ventures can be joined together and you can have the best of all worlds right there at your fingertips. If you garden with children, then the sense of unity, ancestry, and shared quality time is priceless. Many years ago, I visited a garden that gave me an incentive to try my hand at "naming" the wondrous flowers and succulent vegetables that I grew. While the packages of seeds already come with names, they really had no meaning to me or to anyone I gave the "Grand Tour" of my garden plot to. It just seemed like the perfect melting together of personal history and gardening success. Scrapbooking supplies provide the material for some fantastic yard signs at the end of a row of peas, or green peppers. They also can decorate a rose garden or a planter filled with fragrant flowers and set on a porch just outside the entry way of a house. These "markers" can give a hint of fun and laughter or a sentimental reminder of those we love and cherish. If roses were Grandpa's favorite gardening pursuit, then a small sign highlighting his love of tea roses can give him the honor of having his name on a banner proclaiming to all that he did have a hand in keeping the tradition of sachet scents greeting visitors to his home a while back. So "Grandpa Mike's American Beauty Roses" is a tribute, and one that will bring back fond memories as you work in the garden or just admire the unbelievable floral treasures that are yours in the height of summer. In the vegetable garden, cherry tomatoes are a quick snack and a very tasty treat as you well remember when you visited Aunt Betty's house for a Fourth of July picnic. So a garden sign giving her the "honor" of Aunt Betty's Red Ruby Tomato Gems will make you smile every time you pop one in your mouth delighting in the warmth from the sun and the "splash" of juice and tomato goodness with just one bite. There could be signposts for your best friend who lives miles away (Sherry's Green Goddess Green Peppers) or for a friend who always makes the best pies (Lydia's Azure Blue Blueberries).
This is not only a whole lot of fun, it makes your daily gardening chores a trip into friendship and family. It allows small children to relate to being part of the success and accomplishment of family and friends, who they may never have met, but whose lives they can now touch through something as simple as a garden signpost. A venture like this combines gardening with crafting and scrapbooking and those photographs of your child standing in a patch of Uncle Harvey's Candy Sweet Strawberries is another contribution from the garden.
So using your imagination and creativity just got a bit more "personal" but a whole lot more fun - now that's a harvest of some very good things all put together.
Something to think about
©Arleen M. Kaptur February, 2008

Friday, February 20, 2009

Automakers and Their Crocodile Tears

The American Dream - remember we were suppose to have a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage. This was the mantra of the nation and it was a good thought. It came with its share of problems but none to compare with the night-mare that is hovering over American soil.
The carmakers - Chrysler, GM and Ford - are working hard and burning that midnight oil. They have come up with a solution and it involves asking for about $20 billion more in bail-out money, but there is a string attached that they are hoping the American public doesn't see, or doesn't care about.
That bail-out money program still involves laying off thousands of workers. The money part is fine with them but what they don't want you to consider is that - you the taxpayer - will be handing over more money from your own unemployment checks to their unemployed workers through taxes. If the truth be known, while the nation "supports" the layed off auto workers, gives them food stamps and government assistance for their children, the car makers are taking that "pot of gold" in the form of billions of dollars and riding off in that "just off the assembly line" vehicle right into the sunset. This makes for quite a fairy tale - unless you read between the lines and realize that once again the American people are the "knights in shining armor" - only the armor is green and the metal for the armor is rusting quickly.
The auto makers had time to work up a "plan." If this is all they can come up with - we will take the billions in dollars, lay off thousands of workers and put them on the mercy of unemployment and taxpayer dollars, shut down a few plants and sell off some "models." This sounds like a plan right out of a mentally dysfunctional mind-set.
How nice of Detroit to "agree" to take your money, give you a whole bunch of people to take care of with more dollars, and then they feel that they have written up a very successful, workable program for future growth. President Obama has put into law the stimulus package to "create" jobs, Detroit, not add to the rolls of the unemployed. Maybe the American taxpayer just speaks a different language than GM or Chrysler. If you take a bail-out, exactly who and what are you "saving." It can't be the hard-earned money of the American tax-payer and it can't be lowering those tear-jerking unemployment numbers because you have just agreed to raise that number - oops, we were not suppose to figure this out.
If we want to live in fairy-lands and make-believe, then collectively the American tax-payers should allow the auto makers to file bankruptcy, get some restructuring guidelines and tutoring, and keep their workers working, and their bottom line exactly where it should be - at the bottom of the golden bowl that holds billions of dollars of wasted money on CEO's who don't have a clue, but know where the best resorts are, and the finest restaurants. After all, you have to spend that money wisely and how better to spend it then on yourselves and your families.
It should not be allowed to let the car makers do a literal double-take on the citizens of this country. You cannot, Detroit, have your cake and eat it too. If you take the money, then the workers stay. If you can't handle that scenario then obviously you are in dire straits, and need government overseers to go behind your fancy desks and into those file cabinets that hold your resumes. Polish them up and begin to wear comfortable shoes - you will need then when you stand in the unemployment lines and feel the "heat" of your bad leadership. However, why do I get the feeling that your lifestyles won't change and while you may not come flying in a corporate jet, you are leaving on a "gravy" train right back to the status quo.
Something to think about
©Arleen M. Kaptur February 20, 2009

Bottom Line is the Reason

Many corporations have decided to shackle and chain their factories and workplaces here in the United States. The reason is that they can find cheaper labor as well as supplies in foreign nations. They employ thousands of workers, who work from sun-rise to sundown and they feel that they are being very "patriotic."They can bring their "goods" back to the States and sell them at a cheaper price to the American public.
All this sounds like a win-win situation - the company is happy counting its profits, and workers are employed and working very diligently because they are putting food on the table at home and a roof over the heads of those they care about. There is one item that these corporate CEO's forget to mention, even though they proudly broadcast their accomplishments on radio and TV. They have, by their actions, cheated literally millions of workers out of jobs here in the U.S. These workers are being cared for by the U.S. government through unemployment, foods shares, and other governmental benefits. The cost is turned over to the American people who cannot count the money in their wallets, because there isn't any in there. These American taxpayers can then go out and happily buy the brands from those very thoughtful CEO's who allow their products to be sent back to the country that they tossed aside so that their "bottom line" gave these corporate giants a nice home, the best in food and medical coverage, and those restful vacations.
The managers of these outsourced establishments can't understand why people here in the U.S. are angry. Their products bear the same brand name, but only the label is different. It does not say "Made in the U.S." but it does boldly proclaim in which foreign country it was made. Then these same "bottom line" watchdogs want the American people to pluck down their unemployment check monies to buy these products and wear them proudly, further advertising the "brand" so that more corporate profits can flow overseas so that expansion is possible and "raises" just may be in the offing for these workers.
With the current economic conditions here in the U.S. isn't it time that the American workers who stand in long lines waiting to see if there is any work for them this day to voice their collective voices and say "Good bye" and "Wish you well" and walk away from the counters that carry the goods that took away their livelihood, the food from the mouths of their children, and the fear of having no medical insurance just in case. Now this sounds more like a win-win situation to me. The out-sourcing companies still have their factories overseas, they have a bottom line, and they can now look for ways to market their products to the workers that work for them. After all, isn't this just being fair?
Something to think about
©Arleen M. Kaptur February, 2009

It's Green, It's Spring, and It's St. Patrick's Day

It's Green, It's Spring, and It's St. Patrick's Day
by: Arleen M. Kaptur
The color green is the in-color for maintaining our planet in the best condition we can for future generations. Those who experience winter, snow, and below zero weather can now turn to thoughts of Spring. It is also the feast day of St. Patrick - whether you are Irish really doesn't matter. It is a great day to celebrate, share, and maybe even find that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
The traditional foods are corned beef and cabbage, served with potatoes. The colors are green and gold for table decor and for fun - you can serve Blarneystone cakes (cupcakes tinted with green food coloring and covered with tinted coconut and frosting) and wish everyone the joy of finding their own rainbows in life as well as that pot of gold filled with coins and treasures.
Legend has it that if you serve Irish Soda Bread, the "X" that is cut into the bread before it is baked was to ward off evil spirits. More luck and good wishes on this special day.
If you really want to impress family and friends your table linens should be green or gold, mixed or matched or checked if you like and sprinkle some gold foil-covered "coins" on the table. For your menu, serving glazed carrots which can be the "gold" in your meal plan along with spicy so tender corned beef and cabbage. Potatoes are a staple for St. Pat's Day as is Irish Coffee for the adults, and lime punch for the kiddies. Serve hot pastrami dip with bread cut into shamrock shapes to begin the festivities as your guests arrive. Every meal needs bread so cut bread into the shape of a horseshoe, spread with your favorite butter mixture and broil just until golden brown. For dessert, try pistachio pudding topped with chocolate "good luck rainbows". Place melted chocolate into a plastic bag, cut a corner off and pipe the mixture in the shape of a pot with a rainbow onto waxed paper. Chill thoroughly, top your pudding dishes and fill in the rainbow with colored frostings of bright colors.
It's not a lot of work but it does make St. Patrick's Day extra special, reminds everyone of how "green" is the way to go and that friendship and caring for each other is the best "luck" you can find in today's topsy turvy world.
Somethig to think about
©Arleen M. Kaptur February 19, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Lucrative Business of Fiscal Responsibility

Sarah Palin ran for Vice President on the premise that she was "fiscally responsible" This in light of the fact that she charged for staying at her home in Wasilla instead of in the capital of Juneau. Her children's hotel rooms and meals were charged as well as other "incidentals" that are now amounting to tax due bills of $18,000 plus. This is just one example of how the fiscally responsible get their nest eggs, while the "ordinary Plumber Joe's" are losing their jobs, shopping with food stamps, and foregoing health in-surance so they have gas in their cars to look for work.
Several of Obama's nominees for office conveniently "forgot" or simply "did not understand" the rules of filing taxes both for personal and business profits. This makes a person wonder why they never forget to pick up their paychecks or flaunt their wealth with vacations, limos, and other "perks" that the system offers only to those who are "fiscallyresponsible".
Tom Daschle should have known better because he tried to be "fiscally responsible" for the health care of millions of senior citizens. He simply told them that they should "understand they are not as young as they used to be." While this truism is one that no one really wants to hear, maybe his memory was slipping a bit as well, because he "forgot" that the limo and driver were no longer his to use as he wished, but then that was simply an "error" and never intended to hurt anyone.
If you work for GM or one of the other car companies, you just may lose your job, pay more for health coverage, or have unpaid leave. This all in light of the fact that Oops - the first "beggars" came to Washington in private jets where they sat in luxury while they wined and dined until they appeared before Congress contrite and "fiscally responsible". They tried and isn't that all that is asked of CEO's of Wall Street and banking insitutions. Remember that if you work hard at being "fiscally wealthy" you deserve vacations, now labeled "awards" in Mexico, Greece, etc. How conveniently they "forget" about those who buy their cars and support their luxury lifestyles while foregoing the basics for themselves and their families.
In today's government halls of justice, being "fiscally responsible" is just a very polite word for trying to beat the system and lining your pockets with taxpayer money so that if push comes to shove, you can ride off into the sunset on that white horse with boots blazing and that air-conditioned limo waiting at the end of your ride.
Something to think about
©Arleen M. Kaptur February, 2009

Schoolyard Bullying in Today's Workplace

Schoolyard Bullying in Today's Workplace
by: Arleen M. Kaptur

In today's economy, corporate CEO's and upper management personnel are under scrutiny more than they have ever been. This leads to behavior that is growing more and more violent as bottom lines are not met and sales are dim. The other side of the coin is that workers are exposed to more unfair practices and workplace harassment because, in essence, they tolerate such behavior because of fear of loss of employment and their pay checks.

From the top echelons in companies to branch managers and departmental staff, "bullying" has become a way to vent frustration and uncertainty. This can be compared to "school-yard" bullying but an adult version of this travesty. Common respect has been laid aside and excuses such as "It was just a joke" or "It was just harmless fun" are seeing no sympathy in court systems around the U.S.

Harassment is more than sexual in today's workplace. It involves physical, emotional and mental intimidation as well. Actions such as constant humiliation, a barrage of petty criticisms, relentless insults and sarcasm constitute unhealthy environments for any worker. Managers vent out business, family, and personal agitations because of money problems, and responsibilities. Workers, in turn, face a new threat in the workplace - abuse that centers on cruelty and a lack of respect. In the past, workers would never allow themselves to be on the receiving end of bad behavior by those who are "above" them in the corporate structures. Branch managers violent privacy rights of the worker by showing a more aggressive approach to insulting and "cutting down" those they are hired to motivate and direct. When a worker is humiliated in front of fellow workers, some feel it is "open territory" to continue the actions of their supervisor by further insulting or using non stop verbal abuse toward the one that has been targeted by "those in charge." This leads to further violations of workplace ethics. There are company polices that deal with issues of "privacy" and "harassment" but in some places they are ignored and used as bait to demean and hurt so that the person doing the actions feels better at the end of the day. This is a form of mental unbalance which believes that if you vent out your personal frustrations onto another person who is forced to deal with your bad behavior because of financial issues, then you are better for it and can go home and face life in a better mood - not so. You will still carry with you the bad character traits that make you believe in such nonsense to begin with. Respect is not a given - it must be earned and while you were hired for your expertise in a certain field, people skills were a part of your job description. You cannot motivate individuals if you carry on with a barrage of insults and remarks that in a barroom would cause you to get "your act together" before someone does it for you.

There are avenues for workers to take when a manager causes them distressin any form - sexual, mental, emotional or physical. Going to company headquarters and documenting the actions of those in charge is just a start. Companies should have policies in place to deal with such issues and investigations should be discreet and meaningful. If companies lack in these requirements of labor law, then the federal Department of Labor has the means to deal with such travesties. Intimidation has cost businesses in fines and awards that are in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and in some cases in the millions. They lead to such actions as dismissal, and mandatory counseling or anger management which puts a black mark on any future job possibilities for those who dish out bad behavior. Attorneys specializing in such actions have had unprecedented success against companies whose management have behaved in dangerous and unacceptable conduct.

If you are a victim, keeping notes of names, places, times, and remarks or actions taken is vital. Remember that if you take matters into your own hands, however, you will also lose in the end. Allow the agencies that specialize in such occurrences to handle the issues for you and let them reach an amicable and fair conclusion. You do not have to take taunts and humiliation in today's workplace, no matter the economic climate your company may find itself in. You do have rights and there are remedies, but only if you allow those who are trained to deal in such issues to do what they are hired to do - protect workers from unfair managerial staff. As you can see by today's headlines, even CEO's find themselves under fire.
Something to think about
©Arleen M. Kaptur February, 2009

Bipartisanship is the New Government Word

Bipartisanship has become a very popular word in not only federal government but local as well. It seems that the concept behind this word is something new and that no government entity really believes in its existence. Now, everyone wants it but they don't want it if they are not "in charge" and it doesn't go their way.

In the Halls of the U.S. Congress and Senate, the GOP side of the hall want bipartisanship, but not unless the words, concepts, and ideas are all theirs. If the Democrats, which are the majority at this time have input, then it is denounced, criticized and scrutinized. Bipartisanship to the Republican party is not voting for or being part of anything that is or has a Democratic stamp on it. You have to wonder where the logic is even as far as the stimulus package is concerned. They demanded more tax cuts and the top echelons in business to be allowed to operate, and continue on with their jobs. While nobody is perfect, least of all any government official, what did not work for eight very long years is destined not to work when the walls of Jericho are tumbling down. Tax cuts are fine when you have a job, but when unemployment, food share stamps, and living in a tent in a park are what you face, then tax cuts have no meaning whatsoever to you or those you love.Tax cuts are beneficial when you have enough income to put into the taxation system, but when you are on government programs in order to survive daily, then a tax cut is of no value. With the hundreds of thousands that are collecting unemployment, they are not impressed with tax cuts. The Senators and Congresspeople are because they have jobs and tax cuts means they can keep more of their salaries.

Health care is never affordable when you don't have a way to pay for it, and labeling any health coverage except the status quo as socialism is using the English language to your private selfish goals. A Washington government official bypasses emergency room waiting rooms and is escorted and treated to the best the medical world can offer. Private medical insurance, Medicaid or Medicare gives you the privilege of sitting for literally hours with assorted other sick patients in hospital and doctor waiting rooms. Yes, some serve coffee but when you are ill and only want to lie down and be treated, then our health care system literally "sucks."

Hidden pork and pet projects were denounced over and over again as filling the pages of the Stimulus Bill. A very tanned and lately loud advocate of the Republican side of the aisle stated that not one Democrat read the 1100 plus pages of the bill. He never stated how many Republicans read it cover to cover but still they found literally untold number of pages filled with "pork." Being pressured to name the pages and sections, he not only declined but ignored the request. The GOP was also very vocal and proud that they did not go along with the stimulus bill, but in essence, they would have preferred to let their constituents beg, steal, and borrow whatever conveniences they can come across because lucrative pay checks, benefits and perks are not made available to them, as they are to our highly paid and rewarded government officials. There is an irony in the halls of our government - why are they all, each and every one of them, above the million dollar in assets group of the population with the luxury of raiding the tax dollars as they so choose. Do you see something wrong with this picture? I do, and I'm sure that the "chosen few" certainly do not want too many people to be aware of this scenario. Imagine not tacking on high priced lunches to your tab graciously paid for by none other than those laid-off workers who are standing in long lines waiting for those meaningless tax breaks.

By all means, the stimulus package is not perfect, nor was the last eight years of government far from the stellar existence that the Republican Party seems to broadcast as being Nirvana. It wasn't and its time to move on.

The Republican Party should embrace bipartisanship and stop carrying on like spoiled children whose lap of luxury just might go down the tubes, right along with the highest gas prices in history, and banks and CEO's so used to billions when their job performance only echoes dollars and cents. When the limo rides with hired drivers are taken away, and those expensive tanning sessions, haircuts, and designer clothes are removed, don't they look like every one of their constituents? I don't see "royal" engraved on any forehead but only "human" I thought we were equal under the only judge that really matters but maybe things have changed and the well-heeled have an inside track to grace and merit.
Something to think about
©Arleen M. Kaptur February, 2009

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Springtime Is Just Around the Corner

About mid-February, everyone starts thinking about spring -

warm breezes, flowers beginning to blossom for Easter table

centerpieces, and all the scents of nature coming to life.

Surprise your table with this "springtime" basket when your salad

course comes to your mealtime plans. Fit two lettuce cups together.

Fill with tossed salad of your choice and use split green pepper rings

for the handles. Top with dressing or serve the dressing on the side,

depending on your family's preferences. Top with a bit of shredded

cheese. Trim with some springy "marigolds" - just notch thin slices

of carrots - and you have a really wonderful fresh touch to take you

and your family from the winter doldrums to springtime freshness.

Another way to bring a brand new season to your table is to serve

Sunshine Fresh Fruit Baskets - somehow baskets and spring just go

together perfectly.

Slice top from a large orange. With paring knife, remove orange sections

and any white membranes as these may be bitter. Combine orange

sections with banana slices, strawberry halves, blueberries, raspberries,

or whatever fruit you may enjoy. Refill orange shell with your fruit

choices and sprinkle some chilled ginger ale over the fruit. Trim with

mint sprigs and be ready for wonderful thoughts of springtime knowing

that your recipe is not only very pleasant to look at but is healthy, and


When dessert time rolls around, try our Winter is Over dessert idea.

Start with 1 pkg. (8 ozs.) cream cheese softened, 3/4 cup confectioner's

sugar, 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract, 1 cup whipping cream, 2 quarts fresh

berries, such as strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries. Blackberries

work well too, 1 carton (8 ozs.) frozen whipped topping, thawed.

In a bowl, beat the cream cheese, sugar and vanilla until fluffy. Gradually

add the cream; beating until thick. Spoon mixture into 10 mounds on a

waxed paper-lined baking sheet. Using the back of a spoon, shape into

3" cups. Freeze overnight.

To serve - just fill each cup with fruit and garnish with whipped topping

and chocolate curls. Aw, the luscious fruits and cream, made for a royal

meal indeed.

However you decide to start celebrating the "change in seasons" have fun

and enjoy what nature begins to tempt you with and you will have the

ingredients for some of the best meals available.

©Arleen M. Kaptur

February, 2008