Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Lucrative Business of Fiscal Responsibility

Sarah Palin ran for Vice President on the premise that she was "fiscally responsible" This in light of the fact that she charged for staying at her home in Wasilla instead of in the capital of Juneau. Her children's hotel rooms and meals were charged as well as other "incidentals" that are now amounting to tax due bills of $18,000 plus. This is just one example of how the fiscally responsible get their nest eggs, while the "ordinary Plumber Joe's" are losing their jobs, shopping with food stamps, and foregoing health in-surance so they have gas in their cars to look for work.
Several of Obama's nominees for office conveniently "forgot" or simply "did not understand" the rules of filing taxes both for personal and business profits. This makes a person wonder why they never forget to pick up their paychecks or flaunt their wealth with vacations, limos, and other "perks" that the system offers only to those who are "fiscallyresponsible".
Tom Daschle should have known better because he tried to be "fiscally responsible" for the health care of millions of senior citizens. He simply told them that they should "understand they are not as young as they used to be." While this truism is one that no one really wants to hear, maybe his memory was slipping a bit as well, because he "forgot" that the limo and driver were no longer his to use as he wished, but then that was simply an "error" and never intended to hurt anyone.
If you work for GM or one of the other car companies, you just may lose your job, pay more for health coverage, or have unpaid leave. This all in light of the fact that Oops - the first "beggars" came to Washington in private jets where they sat in luxury while they wined and dined until they appeared before Congress contrite and "fiscally responsible". They tried and isn't that all that is asked of CEO's of Wall Street and banking insitutions. Remember that if you work hard at being "fiscally wealthy" you deserve vacations, now labeled "awards" in Mexico, Greece, etc. How conveniently they "forget" about those who buy their cars and support their luxury lifestyles while foregoing the basics for themselves and their families.
In today's government halls of justice, being "fiscally responsible" is just a very polite word for trying to beat the system and lining your pockets with taxpayer money so that if push comes to shove, you can ride off into the sunset on that white horse with boots blazing and that air-conditioned limo waiting at the end of your ride.
Something to think about
©Arleen M. Kaptur February, 2009

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