Monday, March 30, 2009

STOP - You're Killing Yourself

This day and age is really a study in contrasts. It seems that we value sports figures more than we value educators. We do nothing when politicians lie to us, but we demand justice when a line in a contract between friends is not with "Ts" crossed or the "i'"s dotted. If someone on the road interferes with your travel speed, some turn to road rage, but when a company sells you enough pills to make sure that you are incapable of functioning without these chemicals, you call it "taking care of yourself."
Take any TV commerical by a drug company and the "side effects" are enough to make you ill. While the pill may cure what ails you at the moment, the side effects lately have been coming on stronger than the drugs. They can cause cancer, heart failure and even death. You will not die from what you took the pill for, but the pill itself just might put you to eternal rest.
Our system of checks and balances is also a bit lopsided. We call it murder or suicide if a person dies quickly, such as at their own hand or that of a stranger. But if a perpetrator lets you suffer for a very long time, and you die, then it is not murder, but a natural death. Tobacco companies continue to sell products that eventually will give you cancer or a painful death. They tone their ads to teen-agers because the longer you smoke, you will suffer more in the end but the outcome will still be the same. Your family will not have you as part of the home front - but it wasn't murder. It was your fault as the tobacco attorneys would tell you, because you picked up that smoke and inhaled that blue haze. The truth being that they produced a product that they knew was not a "healthy" product, but they are free to go and harm another person.
If a soldier from our country dies, he is defending his country and it's honor. He is a hero. A soldier from another country is an "attacker" even though we traveled into his land to "defend" what we believe is ours. The citizens of the other country are wrong and our soldier will always be a hero. A play on words, because both deaths are wrong - in the eyes of their families and in the eyes of those who love and care about them. Words are used to justify and place blame.
We slowly place ourselves in harm's way in a multitude of different ways each and every day. We inhale cancer causing chemicals, we poison our systems with additives and supplements in our food supply that have not been adequately checked for future damage in a human body, and we breathe unclean air every day from cars, factories, and other places. Even second hand smoke from smokers is a risk to any person, but we are not calling this murder. We tolerate all these dangers because society does not give it a name that matches what it does. If you picked up a gun and placed it to your head, you would be arrested. If you take a chemically laden box of treats that have enough artificial colors and flavors, preservatives, and assorted laboratory send-offs, you are fine - you are living the American dream.
The point to all this is that we have to take a stand to preserve our own lives and that of everyone else. There is no outrage for the daily assault on health for our children or for adults. We say nothing and the corporate giants continue to produce new and better ways to do us in. Our food is not pure, neither is the air we breathe or the water we drink. The plastic bottles that we carry with our water will cause cancer. The make-up you use may give you skin cancer and so forth, but still people are not offended enough to stand up and demand that changes be made, that profit margins do not include every third person dying from the side effects of new and better drugs - new maybe but better and for whom?
From tobacco giants to automakers, standards must be placed so that unsafe and harmful products are not sold on the open market, and they are not allowed into the hands of our children. That bottle of pills that you take for a cold can be used to get a teenager high. Even that detergent to get clothes cleaner than clean pollutes ground water and lakes.
The solution to this tragedy - is very simple. People, every man, woman, and child, must say "NO" to corporate greed and insensitivity to the lives of those who buy the products they entice us with through fancy commercials and ads in newspapers and magazines. They bombard the air waves so that children demand products that parents know are not quite tested for safety. We throw our hands up in the air when a foreign made product is said to cause harm, but we allow the companies within our borders to infiltrate the sacred boundaries of home and hearth through the very items that we need to live. Our food needs to be safer, our water needs to be cleaner, and our air should be fit to breathe.
Bottom line - if we don't car about ourselves right now and right here, then how can we preach to our children that they should not smoke, take medications that might do more harm than good, and to take a deep breath when they step outside. Something is very wrong here - and the main "wrong" is that we are not doing something. Words - if only we could as a society call a "wrong" exactly what it is - or it will continue to kill us.
Something to think about
©Arleen M. Kaptur March, 2009

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