Monday, March 2, 2009

Talk Radio - It's Full of Pork

It may be old-fashioned to think that radio was a form of entertainment in days gone by. Today it has become a way to intimidate, threaten, and rally the troops towards hatred, greed, and retaliation.

Under the Bush administration, it would be considered high treason to say anything demeaning against the President or the Vice President for that matter. We were in war and this would never have been allowed. You would find home-land security on your driveway and the SWAT teams on your roof.

We are still at war, but with the new administration, talk-show hosts are asking the listening public to hope and pray that the current administration fails and that cartoons of racial undertones are funny. Some talk show hosts are telling tales of underground move-ments to take back the country and to counter any move from the Democratic Party.

While freedom of speech is presented as a defense to such verbal abuse, we as a people listen, laugh, and find it enjoyable as we head to work or take the kids to school. Consider, how-ever, that the ride to work is probably short-lived as unemploy-ment nears record numbers, courtesy of a former administration who decided that bombs, and artillery was more important than jobs and schools. Some believe that a war makes a land prosperous. This spoken by a lawmaker on national radio and television.
If war was so good for a country, why are we in this deep
recession with the money problems that we currently have to
endure. We have been at war for well over six years, and with
two wars going on at the same time, why are we not in the lap of
luxury and enjoying a bountiful lifestyle?

This type of scenario is morally sick. War kills and destroys, but those "with vision" made profits from no-bid war contracts, supplying guns and ammo, and giving security companies the right to shoot and kill, at their discretion. As a society, we should have hung our heads in shame, but we did the right thing - we decided that "change" was needed and this came in the form of a new administration.

Legislators like Mr. McConnell from Kentucky and Mr. Boehner from Ohio are loud, and vehement as they denounce not only the ideas, but the periods and commas that they believe were missed in a document. In other words, they would be against Santa Claus if he was part of the new administration. This type of "idealism" is harmful and childish. If no new ideas came from the Republican rule for eight years prior, then what makes any idea unacceptable and to be denounced and to make people believe that such ideas are conceived in the back-rooms of demon terror. Talk radio feels that freedom can allow it to create unrest, unjust assumptions, and personal insults towards anyone and everyone who does not toe the line to a single drum beat.
That single drum beat brought pain at the pump, and Wall Street,
car companies, and banking institutions to come with tin cups and
haggard faces to the very people they enjoyed taking advantage of,
in the first place. What goes around, comes around fits this, don't
you think?

No party has or ever will have all the answers, but at least doors are opened and windows are allowing a breath of fresh air. If there is a source of contention, then speak the words, but do it with civility and honor. Mr. Limbaugh fits into neither of these words, and if he is the new voice of the Republican party, then prayers are in order because our young deserve better and an example of such abusive behavior should not be tolerated by parents or adults.

Talk Radio needs to clean house a bit and to ask everyone to hope that the administration will fail is Unamerican. You cannot be an American and fight any new ideas, methods, or department leaders. It is a very short time since the new Administration began, but the loss of an election is no cause for such bitterness and hatred marketing. They had their chance, they failed, and hopefully, they will change their ways. Public input was ignored, the public was closed out of documents and dealings, and money was given, spent and could not be accounted for. I still remember one prominent Treasury official stating, "How could you keep account of billions of dollars?". The public should ask in return "How could you not?". We are in a dire economic situation and to allow Talk Radio, both male and female to denounce, threaten and intimidate is allowing freedom to be turned into tyranny.

Radio is a wonderful invention and should be used for the purpose of informing, and entertaining. It is not informative to hear "hate" preached and it is not entertaining to be told that there are "underground" groups forming to make sure that this country is taken back - ask yourself what this country would be taken back to - war, secret meetings, shredded documents, kick-backs, profits from devastation and death, prisons that caused torture to smear its ugly tar onto an entire nation of decent, and hard working people. Companies abused money they took for jobs they never performed, Wall Street and the banking industry gave the high-five when they knew that the money bubble would burst but they had already put into place their billions in "perks" and "parties." If you want to take the country back - take it to a time when radio was family-oriented and you did not have to cover the ears of your children when the likes of radio jockeys rode their mouths like spoiled, arrogant children who have no control, morals, or pride. Talk Radio - it's time to grow up and do what Radio was intended for.
Something to think about
©Arleen M. Kaptur March, 2009

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